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This vignette is a tutorial which walks through implementation of base functors for an existing tree object (Node, from data.tree), followed by implementing a custom Tree type which behaves similarly.

For both types, the tutorial guides building some functions which make use of the morphisms included in the package. However, as will become clear, writing unfolds (apo, para, futu) for the data.tree Node is problematic. A problem does arise in that when adding child nodes which are named the same as an existing node in the tree, the behaviour is unpredictable.

Sample code which produces this behaviour will be included in the tutorial, and will lead directly on to a custom Tree type which, while not as fully-featured as the functionality of data.tree, does behave predictably with duplicate nodes.

The data.tree Node type

Defining fmap

library (data.tree)

fmap.Node <- function (tr, f) {
    working = Clone (tr, attributes=F)

    traversal = Traverse (working)
    Do (traversal, function(node) node$name <- f (node$name))
    return (working)

Let’s start by implementing fmap for the data.tree Node object. Confusingly, referencing a data.tree object with a new variable also affects the original object. We need to clone the object, which is not very efficient, but fine for this example, which always returns a new object without affecting the original.

Defining the “base” functor

NodeF <- function (r, l) {
    res         = list (type = "NodeF", root=r, forest=l)
    class (res) = "NodeF"
    return (res)
is.NodeF <- function (trf) {
    return ("NodeF" %in% class (l))
fmap.NodeF <- function (nf, f) {
    if (length (nf$forest) == 0)
        return (NodeF (nf$root, list()))
        return (NodeF (nf$root, fmap (nf$forest, f)))

The “base” functor of a Node object has a label/attribute type called root and a carrier type called forest. The fmap function acts on the carrier type, unless the forest is empty (we’ve hit a ‘leaf’) in which case it acts on the attribute type.

Translating between the functor and its “base” functor

We need two functions which unwrap and wrap a level of recursion, respectively. The project function will take a Node and “project” one layer of it onto the “base” functor, and the embed function will take a Node “base” functor and “embed” one layer of it in a tree structure.

The project function for a Node object is as follows:

project.Node <- function (node)
    return (NodeF (node$name, node$children))

In contrast, the writing an embed() function ends up being problematic because of the behaviour of Node$AddChildNode with duplicated nodes, but assuming that no duplicates are extant, the following function works:

embed.NodeF <- function (nf) {
    if (length (nf$forest) == 0)
        return (Node$new (nf$root))
    else {
        staging = Node$new (nf$root)
        lapply (nf$forest, staging$AddChildNode)
        return (staging)

Conversion to a list of lists and vice versa

The data.tree package includes the functions ToListSimple and FromListSimple. This example uses the acme example in the package vignette as it contains no duplicate nodes, converts it to a list of lists, and then demonstrates use of cata and ana to convert between a list of lists and our own Tree type.

Note that these functions assume that there is only one label as in the vignette example. In data.tree, it is actually possible to have an arbitrary number of labels, although they aren’t displayed by the default printing function.

Here is some sample data as given by the data.tree introduction:

library (data.tree)

acme <- Node$new("Acme Inc.")
  accounting <- acme$AddChild("Accounting")
    software <- accounting$AddChild("New Software")
    standards <- accounting$AddChild("New Accounting Standards")
  research <- acme$AddChild("Research")
    newProductLine <- research$AddChild("New Product Line")
    newLabs <- research$AddChild("New Labs")
  it <- acme$AddChild("IT")
    outsource <- it$AddChild("Outsource")
    agile <- it$AddChild("Go agile")
    goToR <- it$AddChild("Switch to R")
#>                           levelName
#> 1  Acme Inc.                       
#> 2   ¦--Accounting                  
#> 3   ¦   ¦--New Software            
#> 4   ¦   °--New Accounting Standards
#> 5   ¦--Research                    
#> 6   ¦   ¦--New Product Line        
#> 7   ¦   °--New Labs                
#> 8   °--IT                          
#> 9       ¦--Outsource               
#> 10      ¦--Go agile                
#> 11      °--Switch to R

Now that we have a list of lists to work with, we can use ana to build up a Node structure, and cata to tear it back down:

fromNestedList <- function (lst) {
    fromNested = function (nl) {
        NodeF (nl$name, nl[-1])
    ana (fromNested, lst)

toNestedList <- function (node) {
    toNested = function (nf) {
        branch = list (name = nf$root)
        return (append (branch, nf$forest))
    cata (toNested, node)

We can now combine the two to get the same result as we put in:

acme |> ToListSimple () |> fromNestedList () |> toNestedList () |> FromListSimple ()
#>                           levelName
#> 1  Acme Inc.                       
#> 2   ¦--Accounting                  
#> 3   ¦   ¦--New Software            
#> 4   ¦   °--New Accounting Standards
#> 5   ¦--Research                    
#> 6   ¦   ¦--New Product Line        
#> 7   ¦   °--New Labs                
#> 8   °--IT                          
#> 9       ¦--Outsource               
#> 10      ¦--Go agile                
#> 11      °--Switch to R

Pretty-printing trees

The following example is based on the one from Stack Overflow, although it generalises to non-binary trees.

drawTree <- function (tree) {
    pad = function (body, final, l) {
        if (length (l) == 0)
            return (list())
        else if (length (l) == 1)
            return (list (paste (body, l[[1]], sep='')))
        else {
            firstPortion = l[[1]]
            lastPortion  = l[2:length(l)]

            res = append (list (paste (body, firstPortion, collapse='', sep=''))
                        , lapply (lastPortion, \(x) paste (final, x, sep='')))
            return (res)

    prettyPrintHelper <- function (br) {
        if (length (br$forest) == 0)
            return (list (br$root))
            return (append (list (br$root), prettyPrintForest (br)))
    prettyPrintForest <- function (br) {
        forest = br$forest
        forlen = length (forest)

        if (forlen == 1)
            return (pad ("┗━ ", "   ", prettyPrintHelper (forest[[1]])))
        else {
            padding1 = lapply (forest[1:(forlen-1)]
                             , \(x) pad ("┣━ ", "┃  ", prettyPrintHelper (x)))
            padding2 = pad ("┗━ ", "   ", prettyPrintHelper (forest[[forlen]]))

            return (append (padding1, padding2))
    cat (paste (as.list (unlist (prettyPrintHelper (tree), recursive=F))
              , collapse="\n", sep='')
       , '\n')

The main advantage of using cata, as follows, is being able to reduce recursive calls of prettyPrintForest() and prettyPrintHelper(), which, confusingly, call each other. Otherwise, the function which follows is still fairly complicated. Given that apo gives access to level information, and histo gives access to past results, it should be feasible to write a function which makes use of these.

drawTreeCata <- function (tree) {
    pad = function (body, final, l) {
        if (length (l) == 0)
            return (list())
        else if (length (l) == 1)
            return (list (paste (body, l[[1]], sep='')))
            return (append (list (paste (body, l[[1]], collapse='', sep=''))
                          , lapply (l[2:length(l)], \(x) paste (final, x, sep=''))))
    prettyPrint <- function (br) {
        if (length (br$forest) == 0)
            return (list (br$root))
        else if (length (br$forest) == 1)
            return (append (pad ("┗━ ", "   ", br$forest), br$root, after = 0))
        else {
            forest = br$forest
            forlen = length (forest)
            padding1 = lapply (forest[1:forlen-1], \(x) pad ("┣━ ", "┃  ", x))
            padding2 = pad ("┗━ ", "   ", forest[[forlen]])
            padding = append (padding1, padding2)
            return (append (padding, br$root, after = 0))
    res = cata (prettyPrint, tree)
    cat (paste (purrr::flatten (res), collapse='\n', sep=''), '\n')

acme |> ToListSimple () |> fromNestedList () |> drawTreeCata ()
#> Acme Inc.
#> ┣━ Accounting
#> ┃  ┣━ New Software
#> ┃  ┗━ New Accounting Standards
#> ┣━ Research
#> ┃  ┣━ New Product Line
#> ┃  ┗━ New Labs
#> ┗━ IT
#>    ┣━ Outsource
#>    ┣━ Go agile
#>    ┗━ Switch to R

Tripping up data.tree

While the above examples work fine, it’s fairly trivial to trip data.tree up. The expected behaviour is to add another, identical sub-tree, called “rabbit family”, but the sub-trees end up getting mixed, or lost.

dups <- Node$new("rabbit warren")
  family1 <- dups$AddChild ("rabbit family")
    rabbit1.1 <- family1$AddChild ("rabbit matriarch")
    rabbit1.2 <- family1$AddChild ("rabbit baby")
    rabbit1.3 <- family1$AddChild ("rabbit engineer")
  family2 <- dups$AddChild ("rabbit family")
    rabbit2.1 <- family2$AddChild ("rabbit matriarch")
    rabbit2.2 <- family2$AddChild ("rabbit scout")
    rabbit2.3 <- family2$AddChild ("rabbit professor")
  family3 <- dups$AddChild ("solitary pair of hares")
    hare1 <- family3$AddChild ("solitary hare #1")
  family4 <- dups$AddChild ("solitary hare #2")
  family5 <- dups$AddChild ("solitary hare #2")

#>                    levelName
#> 1 rabbit warren             
#> 2  ¦--rabbit family         
#> 3  ¦   ¦--rabbit matriarch  
#> 4  ¦   ¦--rabbit scout      
#> 5  ¦   °--rabbit professor  
#> 6  ¦--solitary pair of hares
#> 7  ¦   °--solitary hare #1  
#> 8  °--solitary hare #2

A custom Tree type

Defining a custom Tree type

Since we’re not using an existing type, we need to define functions which generate the new S3 type Tree, and a fmap implementation.

Tree <- function (r, l) {
    res         = list (type = "Tree", root=r, forest=l)
    class (res) = "Tree"
    return (res)
is.Tree <- function (x) {
    return ("Tree" %in% class (x))

fmap.Tree <- function (tr, f) {
    if (length (tr$forest) == 0)
        return (Tree (f (tr$root), list()))
    else {
        newForest = fmap (tr$forest, \(x) fmap.Tree (x, f))
        return (Tree (f (tr$root), newForest))

Defining the “base” functor

Now, define TreeF, the “base” functor of Tree. This is near-identical to NodeF, which will come in handy later.

TreeF <- function (r, l) {
    res         = list (type = "TreeF", root=r, forest=l)
    class (res) = "TreeF"
    return (res)

is.TreeF <- function (trf) {
    return ("TreeF" %in% class (l))

fmap.TreeF <- function (trf, f) {
    if (length (trf$forest) == 0)
        return (TreeF (trf$root, list()))
        return (TreeF (trf$root, fmap (trf$forest, f)))

Translating between the functor and its “base” functor

Now, define project() and embed() for TreeF and Tree.

project.Tree <- function (tr) {
    return (TreeF (tr$root, tr$forest))
embed.TreeF <- function (trf) {
    return (Tree (trf$root, trf$forest))

Redefining the fromNestedList() function

Recall that the “base” functor of our new Tree type is near-identical to the “base” functor of the data.tree Node type. Both NodeF and TreeF are S3 objects which are fundamentally a list with $carrier and $forest attributes. Therefore, it should be sufficient just to redefine fromNestedList(), the only change of which is returning TreeF as opposed to NodeF. Indeed, it should be possible to call drawTreeCata() directly on a Tree object.

fromNestedList_ <- function (lst) {
    fromNested = function (nl) {
        TreeF (nl$name, nl[-1])
    ana (fromNested, lst)

acme |> ToListSimple () |> fromNestedList_ () |> drawTreeCata ()
#> Acme Inc.
#> ┣━ Accounting
#> ┃  ┣━ New Software
#> ┃  ┗━ New Accounting Standards
#> ┣━ Research
#> ┃  ┣━ New Product Line
#> ┃  ┗━ New Labs
#> ┗━ IT
#>    ┣━ Outsource
#>    ┣━ Go agile
#>    ┗━ Switch to R

Implementing a monad instance

As a bonus, we can also define a monad instance for the new Tree type.

bind.Tree <- function (tr, f) {
    x   = tr$root
    txs = tr$forest
    k = f(x)
    y   = k$root
    tys = k$forest
    p = lapply (txs, \(a) a %>>=% f)
    return (Tree (y, c(tys, p)))

Let’s check the monad laws, which can be summarised as follows:

  1. Left identity:
    return >=> h ≡ h
  1. Right identity:
    f >=> return ≡ f
  1. Associativity:
    (f >=> g) >=> h ≡ f >=> (g >=> h)

First, define the equivalent of Haskell’s return(), which I’ve called escape:

escape.Tree <- function (x)
    return (Tree (x, list()))

f <- function (x)
    return (Tree (x+2, list (escape.Tree (x+3), escape.Tree (x+4))))
g <- function (x)
    return (Tree (x+4, list ()))

Now, implement the laws above in code:

leftIdentityLHS <- escape.Tree (3) %>>=% f
leftIdentityRHS <- f (3)

rightIdentityLHS <- f (3) %>>=% escape.Tree
rightIdentityRHS <- f (3)

associativityTestTree <- Tree (3, list (
                           Tree (4, list())
                         , Tree (5, list(Tree (6, list()), Tree (7, list())))
associativityLHS <- (associativityTestTree %>>=% f) %>>=% g
associativityRHS <- associativityTestTree %>>=% (\(x) f(x) %>>=% g)

Evaluate equivalence by drawing the trees to the terminal:

leftIdentityLHS |> drawTreeCata ()
#> 5
#> ┣━ 6
#> ┗━ 7
leftIdentityRHS |> drawTreeCata ()
#> 5
#> ┣━ 6
#> ┗━ 7
rightIdentityLHS |> drawTreeCata ()
#> 5
#> ┣━ 6
#> ┗━ 7
rightIdentityRHS |> drawTreeCata ()
#> 5
#> ┣━ 6
#> ┗━ 7
associativityLHS |> drawTreeCata ()
#> 9
#> ┣━ 10
#> ┣━ 11
#> ┣━ 10
#> ┃  ┣━ 11
#> ┃  ┗━ 12
#> ┗━ 11
#>    ┣━ 12
#>    ┣━ 13
#>    ┣━ 12
#>    ┃  ┣━ 13
#>    ┃  ┗━ 14
#>    ┗━ 13
#>       ┣━ 14
#>       ┗━ 15
associativityRHS |> drawTreeCata ()
#> 9
#> ┣━ 10
#> ┣━ 11
#> ┣━ 10
#> ┃  ┣━ 11
#> ┃  ┗━ 12
#> ┗━ 11
#>    ┣━ 12
#>    ┣━ 13
#>    ┣━ 12
#>    ┃  ┣━ 13
#>    ┃  ┗━ 14
#>    ┗━ 13
#>       ┣━ 14
#>       ┗━ 15

It looks like our type satisfies the monad laws. However, implementing this as a unit test, as for the list type, is non-trivial, as R has no way to know that two Tree objects are equal. Writing a function to compare the structure / node values could enable formally testing equality of the above LHS/RHS trees.

Anyway, implementing bind enables neat operations like the following:

acme_ <- acme |> ToListSimple () |> fromNestedList_ ()

treeToUpper <- purrr::compose (escape.Tree, toupper)

acme_ %>>=% treeToUpper |> drawTreeCata ()
#> ┃  ┗━ NEW LABS
#> ┗━ IT
#>    ┣━ OUTSOURCE
#>    ┣━ GO AGILE
#>    ┗━ SWITCH TO R